Saturday, October 23, 2010

Testing from phone.

I'm sitting in front of the tv watching my mtvs and trying to blog at the same time. Sigh.

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 1:18 AM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I was in Auckland for a month this June. The company decided to send me there to learn new stuff so that I can implement the good practices from partner companies here.

I had to endure the freezing weather every day. God! It was really quite bad there that I wore 6 layers of clothes! My Kiwi colleagues told me that I was exaggerating as the weather was not even cold yet. According to them, it was still summer.

Despite this, I enjoyed my stay there though. The company provided 2 houses for me with domestic help. One was very near the city centre while the other was a little further. The only thing that was not provided for me was a car and a chauffeur. I had to take the public bus to work and back. On the days that it rained, I was stranded in the office lobby waiting for it to stop.

The people there are quite friendly. I've had people strike up conversations with me while waiting for buses and even when I was queuing up to buy things. Some people liked to tell me that "Hey! Your English is very good!" while I secretly rolled my eyes at it. I always replied with a very polite "Thank you!". Good God! Of course it's good! It's my first language for goodness sake!

The scenery was beautiful and I even went to Mata Mata to take a photograph with Gollum. I poked and hit him and all he did (or could do) was to look straight in front and grin wickedly. Xue was so jealous when she found out that I was there. I love the chicken and mushroom pie from the coffee shop across Gollum. Come to think of it, I love all the pies that I ate while I was in Auckland. You can't find any quite like them here.

The shopping there was nothing great. I spent most of my time at Foodtown shopping for groceries. Griffin's Hundreds and Thousands is the best I've tasted so far. The Australian one pales in comparison. I couldn't find much to buy on Queen Street except for Lush, which Xue loves. Newmarket was quite fun with all the food and especially, the bakery behind the bus stop that I took Bus 6 from.

I went to Rotorua with a few of my colleagues during the weekend of the Queen's birthday. The sulphur from the hot springs didn't affect me at all. I actually enjoyed it! I must have seen countless sheep, cows and horses on my way there and back. After a while, every place seemed to look the same from inside the car.

The only things I dislike about the place are lamposts that are few and far between and the fact that the shops close at 5pm or 5.30pm every day. Give me city life any day!

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 3:20 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Friday, October 08, 2010

Study leave.

I received a letter in my tray that my study leave has been approved.

I was ecstatic when I read it. I can FINALLY leave to study for 2 years!

When I applied for it, my CEO asked me to stay and defer my studies for a few years. I replied that it has been 5 years since I graduated and if I do not go and study soon, I'll lose my interest in studying.

On one hand, I felt flattered that the company thinks so highly of me and wants me to stay. On the other hand, I felt annoyed. Wasn't there anybody else who can do my job? Does it want to squeeze every ounce of blood from me before it is satisfied?

I am getting very jaded with what I have to do every day. I think that I need a place to recuperate and gain fresh ideas before I decide whether to return to the company after my studies.

I told Xue that if I had a chance, I would not want to return to it at all. If I had a better offer, I never want to return to this company again.

I think that I am in it for the money, really, and the flexible work hours. It'll be difficult to find a job with such a pay and the hours. Sigh...

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 2:23 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Happy birthday to me!

A year has come and gone.

What do I actually want in my life?

Sometimes, it just seems pretty aimless for me. I just don't know what I want to do any more.

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 10:18 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?


Name: Cloudiy Skye / Cloudiyskye
School: Castle in the Clouds
Birthdate: 2nd October
Sign: Libra

A dreamy girl who perpetually has her head in the clouds.

Like the nymph who lives only for Apollo's daily traverse on his chariot, Skye is currently enamoured of this God-like persona on Earth.


What DOES Skye like anyway?

Skye's favourite flower is the Tulip. She feels that it is the epitome of beauty, despite the latter being hard to measure.

The sound of raindrops falling, the smell of the air after a rainfall and the rainbow after the storm are things that capture Skye's attention.

One thing she likes best is looking at the falling rain, especially during thunderstorms.

Know that...

Skye is an English Language and Literature student.

Her preferred subject in school is that of Pragmatics, because it's a FUN field!

She wants to be left alone to do her stuff, but is always interrupted by all and sundry.

Skye uses 3 mobile phones currently: Samsung Ice Cream, Apple iPhone 4 and Blackberry Bold.


November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
November 2009
October 2010
November 2010


What is Love, actually?

Do you know? Could you tell me?

The writer, McCullers, once said that "the most outlandish people can be the stimulus for love".

For my part, I think that this is certainly true. Yet, to like a person who has no idea that you like him is pure agony!


Winter Magick


Original Layout * Shadowmist
Amended Layout * Mnemosyne
Effects * Cloudiy Skye
Images * Cloudiy Skye

Edna, from "The Incredibles".

In Gratitude...

Thanks be to God. For allowing me to pass everything well and to graduate on time.

Lord, I am grateful to you for having heard my prayers and helping me to obtain my Honours. I give thanks to our Lord.

Lord, in a world where failure is unforgivable, you have shown me that there is a future after that one failed attempt. I give thanks to our Lord.

Lord, you gave me strength to carry on when I was lingering in the shadows of uncertainty. I give thanks to our Lord.

Lord, at the time when others scorned and deserted me, you stood by my side and never once did you doubt me. I give thanks to our Lord.

Lord, for all that you have done for me and for all the prayers of mine that thou art wilt hear, I give thanks to you our Lord.
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