Sunday, July 31, 2005


I went and bought the bathing sand for the two rascals this afternoon so that they could have a bath while I was washing their house. Heehee! They were so cute! After I’ve poured the sand into this little house which was their bathroom, Meerkat went in and started digging in the sand and flipping on it, after she got tired of digging. A little while later, she came out and had a bite of the food that I had strewn on the other side of the big box, which was their “transit lounge”. When Glutton saw that, she immediately made for the bathroom and had her turn at digging and flipping.

At the "transit lounge". Meerkat's trying to snatch food from Glutton.

Fast asleep in their bathroom.

I must have taken a long time to wash and dry their house, because by the time I returned, both of them were snuggled up beside each other and sleeping in their bathroom! They looked so cute!

Glut's on the left, while Meer's on the right biting her toes.

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 10:20 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Friend’s visit.

Jos came up to my house to play with Meerkat and Glutton this morning. She was playing the “escalator” game with Meer and Meer shat on her 3 times! Hahaha! Jos was so disgusted! Glut was not in a good mood to play and tended to bite people, so she decided to play the “crocodile” game by herself instead.

Eh, I wonder what made Meer excrete on her. Hmm… Jos ah, you must have frightened her you know! :0)

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 9:41 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Friday, July 29, 2005

A missed opportunity.

Isn’t funny that you and someone else can be doing the same thing but don’t even know it? I was online on the other night, thinking about whether I should enter the private chatroom to catch up on some gossip with a few of my friends. After a round of deliberations, I finally decided to do so. Imagine my surprise when I logged in and found that one friend of mine logged out about 30 minutes ago. Really, that was a missed opportunity. At that time I was pretty sad at not being able to chat with that person, but on hindsight, I think that it was better for me anyway.

It was certainly providential that I went in late. Otherwise it would be somewhat difficult as I seem to be intent on putting a barrier between us and not want to talk about certain things whenever we see each other, be it offline or online.

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 7:36 AM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Thursday, July 28, 2005


ARGH! Why do I always get landed with horrible things? Guess what? I got “nominated” (read: saboed), to attend a National Day Dinner on 5th August. Sigh… Why can’t they choose someone more suited for such occasions than I? Apparently, the people decided to let the new people attend the dinner to create more exposure for us. Sheesh! God, I am not the type of person who is capable of sitting still for long. Lectures and tutorials are a different thing. That is because I want to learn. But this dinner thing is, I predict, not going to be a very interesting and educational one that the upper management raved about. If it is going to be a boring affair, I’m going to bring my book along to read. Otherwise, I’d be bored to death!

What’s worse is that there are going to be some big shots at the dinner including a minister or two. Sigh… Why must I go for it? This type of event means that I can’t be myself. I’d probably suffer from a stiff neck and an aching mouth the next day. The first for having to sit up straight and the second, from smiling too much. I’d really rather sit for an exam than interact with the big shots and the other people there.

The people at work have been asking me when I want to do my Masters. Hmm… the way that they asked is as if I’ll receive immediate acceptance upon application. Look, it’s not only a few of them asking. I’ve counted about 15 so far. Sigh… I keep on telling them that I’d most definitely love to apply and do my Masters, but whether or not I get accepted into the full-time intake is another matter. I can’t apply now, as I need to have at least a year’s experience in a related field. Otherwise, I will be the first few to send in my completed application form.

Eh, I’d much rather study then do what I’m doing now. I find my job getting more and more meaningless with each passing day. I do not seem to have much to look forward to, as there is zilch for me to channel my energy into completing something. If life is boring, work is even worse. Every morning when I wake up, I tell myself that it’s only that many hours before the end of the day. And when that time arrives, I often leave my workplace with glee! It’s not that the work in difficult. It is just that I am losing interest in my chosen field. I am getting to detest managing people. Some of them are really so irritating that I long to push them off the top of Taiwan’s 101 Tower.

But the good news is that I only have 5 more weeks starting from next week before I’ll get my stated rest week. The time will pass by very fast now that July is drawing to an end.

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 11:47 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Pig Gluttony and Curious Meerkat.

It has only been one day since I brought them back and Meerkat’s started to bully Glutton. Sheesh! And what’s more, Glut seems to have an injured left hand. They will be the best of pals for some time and suddenly, they will be fighting over God knows what and I’ll hear Meer squeaking away, calling me to rescue her. After that, they will each sleep on one side of the wheel and ignore one another. They sure remind me of those young and egocentric children who can be extremely irritating at times. But of course, I do not find my Meer and Glut irritating. They are just so very lovable, much more lovable than some of those children.

Meer has just decided that she is a crocodile. She will burrow under the cat litter and wood shavings, lay herself flat on the tummy and just stare at things. Sometimes, she will cock up her ears when I make sudden movements that she regards are not in line with what she’s thinking about at the moment. When I let her out of the cage to explore, she will run about very fast and stick her little pink nose into things.

Glut, on the other hand, is contented just to sit on the wheel and eat and eat and eat. She’s a bit jumpy, probably because her left hand is hurting, so I did not carry her as much as I carried Meer. Glut’s a more serious character, as she is deep in thought most of the time. When I give her food, she will sniff at it and look at me before accepting it. Glut can usually be found sitting in the food tray foraging for food and storing the sunflower seeds in her mouth.

I sure do LOVE my little hamsters!

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 9:36 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


I went shopping with Jos and Xue this evening after work at Junction 8. It’s been some time since we met to chill and shop ever since I started work. Hmm… why does it seem that it’s all because of my work? Ah well, probably it’ll be better after the initial few weeks when I’m still adjusting to my new schedule. Work’s so tiring that I’ve been going home by taxi EVERY evening! Yup! I’ve decided to journey home by taxi after work and save the bus and train for when I feel like it.

We had dinner at Pastamania and I ordered their “Mix & Match” pasta, with cream sauce, shitake mushrooms, bacon ham. YUMMY! I loved such stuff! Jos happily told us over dinner about her QQ and she was grinning every time she said his name. She said that she saw him 3 times in a row and when he called her name, she swooned inwardly! Awwwwww! So cute!

I used to be like that too, but much as I like to and want to see and hear certain people, it’s highly unlikely that I will get to do it. All of us are no longer in school and we are all very much busy with our own lives. I do think about certain people now and then, but it’s getting less frequent especially what with me working now. Absence might make the heart fonder, but it depends on who’s absent and who is doing the thinking about. Ain’t it right?

We had a laugh when Jos told me that her mum suggested to her that she introduces her QQ to me, what with the two of us being about the same age. Jos ah, 你当时的反应有如晴天霹雳的感觉吧! Not to worry, everyone knows that I prefer guys my age or older. I’m not into younger guys, even if he is only just a year younger than I am or he is such a cutie like your QQ. He’s yours for keeps! :0)

I was supposed to shop for clothes and I ended up shopping for pets! AAAHHHHH! I wonder how it happened?! We went to the Pets Lover shop at the basement, beside the Starhub shop and started browsing at the dwarf hamsters on display. They were so adorable! Somehow I got talked into getting a couple and the next moment I knew, I was choosing them, their cage, food, tray, bedding and paying for them!

Hmm…. actually, I’ve been hankering for some hamsters ever since my last batch when I had about 40 to 50 of the humongous kind but I gave them all away except for a few, as I was unable to care for them. I remember when Xavier, Zerneen, Wednesday and Saturday died, I was inconsolable, especially Xavier and Zerneen. They were my first 2 hamsters and the best trained ones. They knew how to kiss me when I said, “kiss kiss”, and they would kiss me on the lips, tickling me with their whiskers. Xavier died when he was nearly 2 years old, while Zerneen died a few months after turning four, of old age.

These two that I bought for S$8.00 each are pure Winter Whites. Both are about 3 weeks old and for the moment, are females. I’ve named them Pig Gluttony and Curious Meerkat. Glut’s the slightly bigger one and is named thus for the most obvious reason. Meerkat’s the more active one and is always running about, poking her nose and whiskers at things, to check them out.

The one in front is Curious Meerkat and the other's Pig Gluttony.

Meer's on the wheel while Glut's at the bottom of the slide.

Meer's still on the wheel, but Glut's behind the slide.

It's SUPPER time! :0)

Yum yum! Loved the food!

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 11:38 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Monday, July 25, 2005

Start of the new academic year.

It’s the first day of school and I’m no longer in it. Sigh… I wish I were back in school, walking along the corridors and rushing for my classes. I have an assignment to hand in today but I’m not going down to school to do so. I’ve already asked Jo, my general elective classmate to help me hand it to my tutor. She’s more reliable than Jam, my other classmate, who’s skipping the first day of school. They both live across from me and all I had to do was to meet Jo last evening to pass my stuff to her.

Yes, I may have graduated, but I still have to complete that horrendously boring assignment for my tutor. No, I did not fail any subject. It’s just that number of us were selected to attend some weird course and had to do the stuff after the course. It was highly technical and I thoroughly DISLIKED doing it! I much prefer the essay writing part where I could just write and write about my ideas. The other part was somewhat restricted and boring to do.

That’s the reason why I haven’t been blogging for the past week. I had to rush this disgustingly boring assignment in addition to my work tasks. Eh, I didn’t even have enough sleep then!

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 10:04 AM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Sunday, July 17, 2005

My voice.

An called up this evening and was surprised to hear my “sick” voice. She commented that it was very seductive and I laughed at that! Sigh… I haven’t seen her much ever since I started work and I want to see her again. I will always remember the happy times that we spent in rushing from one lesson to the next and I’ll never forget the gossip and stories that we shared with each other.

Her birthday’s on 21st July and I don’t know what to get her. Maybe I’ll go out the next few days and look around for something suitable. Methinks that we might not even have the time to meet up on her birthday!

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 8:03 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Saturday, July 16, 2005

What is it?

Have you ever wondered what your destiny in life is? I have.

I am the type who is prone to wondering about all and sundry. What IS my destiny in life? Why have I been put on earth to suffer all the trials and tribulations which only seek to increase the level of unhappiness for me? What is it that I must face during my tenure here?

Is it to bring fun and laughter to the people I come into contact with? Is it to spread some love and happiness around? Or is it simply to suffer in silence and wonder all my life, about something that I can never fathom?

Whenever I see people on the streets, I wonder what they are thinking about as they walk. Do you do the same too? Really, I want to know what each person’s stare or blank look means when they are moving from one place to the next. What do you think about when you are walking in the streets? Is it about school, work, food or something else? Or is it rather, someone else? :0)

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 9:15 AM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Friday, July 15, 2005

Medical leave – Day 2.

My mum decided to take me to the Chinese sinseh this morning as I didn’t seem to be showing much signs of recovery. So she dragged me out of the bed early in the morning and made me take the MRT to Braddell, where the doctor’s clinic is. It wasn’t that bad actually, the medicine I mean. I think that all the Chinese medicine taste alike – bitter and a bit weird anyway. After that we walked to Toa Payoh Central for me to borrow my books for the assignment and then for some eats to bring home.

There are only 2 more days between me and the time when I have to go back to work again. It’s not that much of the work that I still cannot get used to after nearly a month of starting. Rather, it’s more the reason of the some of the people there. I just don’t like being touched by so many people countless times in a day. It can get very tiring and of course, irritating!

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 10:01 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Medical leave – Day 1.

I woke up with a very painful throat and blocked nose and had difficulty swallowing my saliva and food too. I’ve also been having a fever that comes and goes like nobody’s business at all. Hmm… compared to working, I’ll take falling ill anytime! At the very least, I know that my threshold for pain is quite high. So far, I’ve spent the day eating and sleeping. I’ve just finished watching some funny show on cable. A bit silly actually, but fun to watch and in my case, grimace over the pronunciation of the presenters at times. They seem to have trouble with their dental fricatives.

I’ve got a very raspy voice now, unlike my normal one and I’m not used to it at all. But if it keeps me out of work, I don’t really mind. Since it’s only my voice that is putting me out of action for the time being and not my mind and body. I still can go shopping in my current condition. Just don’t let me eat all those fried and oily food and I’ll be fine. One of my favourite boutiques sent me a flyer informing me of its end of season sale and I’m itching to go for it.

I’m dreading the thought of going back to work on Monday because I know that I will get molested again. Why must such a thing happen to me? My friends go to work unscathed and I have to suffer. Sigh… Would someone please rescue me?!

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 5:46 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

On medical leave.

YIPPEE! I’ve been struck by some stupid virus that’s been going around lately! I AM SO DAMN HAPPY! Why? Because I don’t have to go to work for 2 days! Hahaha! So I'd only return to work next Monday. I’ve already been having some discomfort with my throat since Monday, and it became a full-blown case this morning. Yes, I actually went to work with a VERY weak voice. T’was amazing that I could get anything done at all. But I did. I wonder how the people managed to hear me speak today. See, that goes to show the extent of dedication I have towards my work! *wink* STOP rolling your eyes! :p

If you were me, I don’t think you’d want to go to work too. I mean, would you want to go to a place where you get molested everyday? I reckon that your answer is a negative one. I don’t know why some people are the “touchy” kind, for I am certainly not this type at all! They just delight in touching me when they want to speak to me or when they want my attention, for whatever obscure reason which I cannot fathom.

I ABSOLUTELY HATE BEING TOUCHED! Especially by people whom I’m not close to. I feel so violated when they touch me! Look, my friends do not touch me like that at all, and even if they do, they don’t do it so often. No doubt, my friends and I are the “huggy” kind, but not to this extent!

Just this afternoon, as I was explaining something to this person who was standing on my left, this same person put the whole weight on the left of my body by leaning on me! Sheesh! Last week, one of them slid a finger up and down my arm repeatedly and I was cringing inwardly. No matter how many times I remind them not to touch me, they would invariably forget and I’d have to repeat it everyday.

God! Apart from devoting my time to work, I have to suffer the indignity of being molested every hour, every day. What is the world coming to anyway?! If this isn’t sexual harassment, I don’t know what else to call it.

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 10:11 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Graduation ceremony part 2.

Heehee, I went for my convocation today and it was out of this world! I love getting together with my classmates again! Missed them so much, especially An, because we were always together for the past few semesters.

Know what? I ended up pinning the hood onto the gown for An, Se, Ca and Seb. Now I’ve got pin pricks all over my right thumb! Ah well, it was fun to do it anyway, as it was the first time that we are all wearing the hood and mortarboard. I hope that it will not be the last time for me!

I wasn’t so bored during this ceremony as we were seated according to alphabetical order and I know the people sitting beside me. So we ended up chatting the whole time after we’ve received our folders from that poor guy on stage. He must be suffering from a stiff right hand after 354 rounds of handshakes! Hahaha!

After the ceremony, many people zoomed straight for the food and I saw them stuffing their faces with the delicious assortment of finger food available. But not me! I was busy looking for people to take photos with and ended up circling the area outside the auditorium hunting for my prey. :0)

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 11:28 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Monday, July 11, 2005

Tired out.

I’m so tired from all the work that I have to do that I just don’t have the energy to do anything else anymore. Sigh… I also haven’t been blogging for the past 3 days. Sometimes I just want to chuck everything to one side and not do it, but I can’t. I would be better off just buried in my books and studying.

Sometimes I wonder whether I’m really suited for this job. It’s pretty monotonous day in and out. I prefer a job with excitement and fun, but this job doesn’t seem to be giving me much of both. I wish that I could change jobs at times, but that is of course just pure wishful thinking. After what I’ve gotten myself into oh so many years ago, I think that there is no turning back. What I can do now is just to grind my teeth and bare it. Hopefully, the time will pass by fast enough for my holidays to be here again!

It’s only the third week and I have seven more weeks to go. Ganbatte!

One thing to note is that I DO NOT have to go to work tomorrow as I will be back on campus for my Convocation. YIPPEE! :0)

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 10:49 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Thursday, July 07, 2005

London’s bombing.

After London won the bid to host the Olympics in 2012, it became a victim of terror attacks. There sure were some people who were suffering from a severe case of SOUR GRAPES! Or, some jackass decided to seize the chance to create some mischief and then putting the blame on some others. Sheesh! I can never understand how the minds of some people work. Too confusing!

Today I had a meeting with my supervisor and she started asking me about when I will get married. Sigh… I wonder why some people are perpetually interested to know about my private life. She was aghast when I told her that I have no intentions of getting hitched at all, well, at least not in the next 2 years or so. Then she went on and on about how I should do my part for the nation etc. God, I replied that there are other people procreating so I don’t have to jump on the bandwagon and do it with them anyway. Why procreate when I have yet to settle into the new stage in my life? It’ll only add to all the turmoil that’s going round about me at the moment.

For me at least, I think that being a swinging single is still important at the moment in time. I cherish my individual space and time too much to want to let go of them. No can do! :0) But when the time comes, I will consider doing my duty for the country. Thank Heavens that it’s not now!

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 10:32 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Having fun.

I thoroughly enjoyed the course this afternoon! It was so fun just to be there and immersing myself in the role-play that we had to do. Yup! I just love to act. It’s so easy when you get into the role. Somehow, I still think that I was born to perform and not to do the job that I’m doing now. Yet, I see a relation between my job and acting. I seem to be performing on stage every time I go to work, well, in a way.

Today’s role required me to act a bitch. I think that suits me to a T! Heeheehee! The role of a bitch was easy to get into. Eh, methinks that it comes naturally to me. *wink* Too bad I didn’t get to try out other roles, like what some of my friends have. Some of the people there had trouble getting into their role. Hmm… not sure why some people can’t do what they have to do fast. For me, getting into character was pretty easy as I’ve done such things quite a few times before. It’s a matter of studying your character, clear your mind of the clutter and just be it.

I was disappointed when my colleague asked me to leave early because she was bored and wanted to go shopping. Much as I enjoyed the course, I couldn’t want to be a wet blanket and so had to leave with her, albeit with great reluctance. The course was conducted in Toa Payoh, so we got a lift from her friend who was also there, and went to the nearby Junction 8 to shop. I wasn’t in the mood to shop anyway, as I was still thinking about the fun I had at the course.

I still feel guilty for leaving early!

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 9:41 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Will you miss me?

I told some of the talents I was working with that I would not be in the office tomorrow because I had to go for a course. And some of them said that they would miss me. When I heard that my first reaction was, yeah right, like real you would miss me. I forgot that I actually said it aloud and one of them said,

Aid: “Really, we would miss you!” And he looked at me with big round eyes like a lost little puppy.

I: “Really? You will miss me? You all will miss me ah?” I was somewhat sorry at my harsh retort earlier so I tried to make up for it by asking them in softer tones. This is even though I’m still sceptical about them missing me. Look, you don’t miss someone you have known for less than a week, much less tell that person. Sigh… some people are just, well you know, weird.

Jes: “Yes! We will!” And I could hear murmurings of assent and see heads nodding around.

I: “Okay. I will miss you too if you miss me!” I was mentally rolling my eyes. But I know that I will not miss them at all! Please, I’ve only gotten to know these people for 4 days, minus the Tuesday that I went for part 1 of my graduation ceremony. HOW can I miss them already right? DUH!

Sometimes, I realise, it’s better to keep my big fat mouth shut when I’m making sarcastic remarks. Otherwise you don’t know what responses you might get! I love to go for courses! At least I can see my friends when I go. Work’s very boring and I seriously wonder whether I am suited for it. God, send me a sign! Something, anything, just to show that I am well-placed in where I am.

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 9:42 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Monday, July 04, 2005

Auntie, 可以给我一点饭吃吗?

That was what an old lady said when she stood at my gate and peered into the house just now. Apparently, she had knocked on my neighbour’s gate but gotten no reply as the family was in the kitchen. My mum was mopping the floor and I was picking up the newspapers when we heard it. She was in a dishevelled state and mum was a bit apprehensive about giving her the rice. But she went ahead and did it anyway. When mum gave her the little box of rice, the old woman’s face kind of lit up and she kept on mumbling “谢谢你, 谢谢 Auntie” to my mum before shuffling away.

I wonder what drove the old woman to go knocking on people’s gates for food. Was it because she was suffering from hunger so badly that she gave no thought to the embarrassment of begging for food, or was it because she had been ill-treated by her family (more likely her “evil” daughter-in-law). Or was she just an ordinary senior citizen suffering from senile dementia? Worse, she could have been a runner sent by a gang of thieves to get the low-down on the residents in the area before they plan a break-in! If she was, then she’d probably have had some pin-hole camera hidden on some parts of her, zooming into my house as she stood there waiting for her food.

Nope. I didn’t tell my mother what was running through my head with regards to the old woman. She’d most likely give me a lecture about being too suspicious about people. But then again, it doesn’t pay to let my guard down, even for one moment! *wink*

Which of the above “roles” do you think the old woman is most likely to be?

Oh, by the way, Happy 4th of July to everyone! :0)

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~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 12:49 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Joy ride.

My parents and I went for a little ride today. They always go on a gastronomic trail every Sunday so I decided to tag along this once. God, the trail can span the entire Singapore! Sheesh! Come to think of it, some of the food’s not that nice anyway. Or maybe it’s because I have more delicate taste buds than most people.

It sure was refreshing to wake up so early, breathe in the fresh air and take in the sights as my dad drove along. I realised that I haven’t been to some places in a very long time and they had some changes made to it. Though not too much such that I cannot recognise them at all.

The one place where I think changed quite a lot is the road leading to my granny’s house. There used to be a tall and grand looking cotton tree welcoming me every time I passed that slip of a road on my way home from school when I was staying there before I attained legal capacity. When the wind blows, the leaves of that cotton tree would rustle and I loved to stand beneath it and wait for bits of cotton to fall. Now, it has been cut down, not sure for what.

I miss that tree. It was the only one that was tall enough to stand out from its friends. It was the only one which I would say a little “hi” to whenever I see it. It was also the only one of its kind in the area who had such lovely buds for me to play with. Now it’s gone. And all that’s left is my memory of it, the image of it imprinted in my mind. I didn’t get to say goodbye and I know that I will never find it in my heart to do so.

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 6:21 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Saturday, July 02, 2005


Ying rang up to say that she met someone unexpectedly on her bus and asked me to guess who it was. I must have been a ferret in my past life because I immediately guessed the identity of that person correctly. She said that she was very shocked when she saw him. I would too if I were in her shoes.

He doesn’t stay in that area, has a car and has no business to be in her “territory” at all. We both wondered where his car was and why he didn’t drive it today. She said that her eyes met his when she turned her head to look around the bus and he kind of waved at her. It was fortunate that she was with another friend of hers at that time, otherwise I’m afraid that she might have broken down there and then on the bus, right in his sight. When she called me, I could tell that she was in shock and needed to just tell someone about what happened and get it out of her system.

I wonder how I would have reacted if I were in her place and that person was either Panda or the Gag. Of course I would have been shocked to see either one of them on the bus or train that I take, but what would I be thinking about later, when I get off is the more pertinent question. Would I think about what happened in the past, would my heart skip a beat, or would I be devoid of all emotions after the initial response?

I think that just the sight of the face is enough to trigger a flood of memories that are best kept in my heart of hearts. Sometimes, it is enough that we once were part of something great, never mind that it didn’t last.

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 1:37 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Friday, July 01, 2005

Silly questions!

Some of the people that I’ve come into contact with in the office asked me the following questions:

1) Am I single?
2) How old am I?
3) Do I have / Have I had any (secret) admirers?
4) What type of guys do I like?

My alarm bell was ringing when I heard these questions! God, why are some people such busybodies that they like to ask silly things?! Sheesh. I avoided question 2 but answered the rest as best that I could, otherwise they would not be satisfied and would keep asking me until I become irritated!

Honestly speaking, I do not like any of the guys at the office. Not in that kind of way. It’s too soon to think about such things, especially after what happened in school. I think that I want to focus on my career first, well, at least for the beginning 2 years. :0)


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~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 11:36 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?


Name: Cloudiy Skye / Cloudiyskye
School: Castle in the Clouds
Birthdate: 2nd October
Sign: Libra

A dreamy girl who perpetually has her head in the clouds.

Like the nymph who lives only for Apollo's daily traverse on his chariot, Skye is currently enamoured of this God-like persona on Earth.


What DOES Skye like anyway?

Skye's favourite flower is the Tulip. She feels that it is the epitome of beauty, despite the latter being hard to measure.

The sound of raindrops falling, the smell of the air after a rainfall and the rainbow after the storm are things that capture Skye's attention.

One thing she likes best is looking at the falling rain, especially during thunderstorms.

Know that...

Skye is an English Language and Literature student.

Her preferred subject in school is that of Pragmatics, because it's a FUN field!

She wants to be left alone to do her stuff, but is always interrupted by all and sundry.

Skye uses 3 mobile phones currently: Samsung Ice Cream, Apple iPhone 4 and Blackberry Bold.


November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
November 2009
October 2010
November 2010


What is Love, actually?

Do you know? Could you tell me?

The writer, McCullers, once said that "the most outlandish people can be the stimulus for love".

For my part, I think that this is certainly true. Yet, to like a person who has no idea that you like him is pure agony!


Winter Magick


Original Layout * Shadowmist
Amended Layout * Mnemosyne
Effects * Cloudiy Skye
Images * Cloudiy Skye

Edna, from "The Incredibles".

In Gratitude...

Thanks be to God. For allowing me to pass everything well and to graduate on time.

Lord, I am grateful to you for having heard my prayers and helping me to obtain my Honours. I give thanks to our Lord.

Lord, in a world where failure is unforgivable, you have shown me that there is a future after that one failed attempt. I give thanks to our Lord.

Lord, you gave me strength to carry on when I was lingering in the shadows of uncertainty. I give thanks to our Lord.

Lord, at the time when others scorned and deserted me, you stood by my side and never once did you doubt me. I give thanks to our Lord.

Lord, for all that you have done for me and for all the prayers of mine that thou art wilt hear, I give thanks to you our Lord.
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