Saturday, April 30, 2005

Bangkok, Day 4.

We woke up early because we wanted to go to the weekend market to scour for cheap and nice stuff. I had scrambled eggs for breakfast. Scrumptious! Lyn joined us for breakfast and today and told us that she’s flying back to Singapore on the 11am Cathay Pacific flight. I told her about the National Anthem incident she told me that in Phillipines where she was born, there are also similar incidents like it. She said that in cinemas before the show came on, the movie-goers must stand to attention as their National Anthem plays and put their right hand over their heart. Otherwise, according to her, the police would swoop down on the person.

It was SO crowded at Chatuchak, the market! But we had fun moving from one place to the next. Mom was on the looking for bras while I was on the lookout for clothes and cute stuff. We ended up at the stall called “No’s Bras” and mom bought quite a few bras for herself and friends, from there. I got these “flowy” two-layered wrap-around skirts, 20 pairs of chopsticks and lots of packets of honey-roasted cashew nuts with sesame on them. I love to munch on these snacks! Mom also got some packets for granny and also, her colleagues.

Like yesterday, we got back late in the afternoon and after showering and a rest, we headed for the nearby Pratunam Cantre and Indra Square for some food and shopping.

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 10:23 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Friday, April 29, 2005

Bangkok, Day 3 – National Anthem.

We went to Yaowarat (Chinatown) in the morning to buy 梅菜 for my granny. It was about 7.45am when we left our hotel for the nearby Chit Lom sky train station to Saphan Taksin before hailing a taxi to take us to our destination. Along the way, my attention was caught by this pink top that the street vendors were selling and we stopped for me to try it on. I was asking the seller whether the top came in another size when I heard strains of music coming from atop the overhead bridge to my right. To my amazement, everybody had stopped walking, talking and doing whatever they were doing before the music came on, except for the vehicles on the road. My mom was like, “Oy! It’s their National Anthem, so stand still!” And I did. After the music faded, the streets came to live again. The time was approximately 8.05am then. Really, I was astounded at the amount of respect and pride they have for their national song.

I wonder how the people would react if this were to happen in Singapore. Would we drop whatever we were doing and stand still in respect for our National Anthem? Or would we be oblivious to the music and just continue with our activities? I will place my bet on the latter.

Why? This is because I feel that most of us just do not have this common thing called Respect and Identity. I have seen people, when the National Anthem was playing, scratching themselves, whispering to the people beside them and even closing their eyes. Wherefore is this Respect that we should have? Also, there is not much of a common identity among us. I remember reading somewhere that “we are just a disparate mass of migrants”. Why do we sing our National Anthem? Because we had to. It was instilled in us since young, part of the Government’s movement to band Singaporeans together during the infant years after independence in 1965. It wanted to give its people something that they can identify with. And I applaud them for it. It was an enormous task for them. For without something common that people can identify with, I feel that one cannot really belong.

Yet, how many people really understand the words of our National Anthem? How many people know what the colours and symbols on our flag represent? Not many, and usually it’s only a superficial understanding of it. I am one of the guilty ones. I remembering singing our National Anthem with gusto and reciting our pledge every day in primary school despite not understanding what they meant. After primary school, many of my friends and I only recited the pledge. We no longer sang with gusto. Instead, we mumbled the National Anthem while keeping our eyes on the flag.

This little incident has certainly given me something to ponder over about myself, my country and our attitudes. I am not beaten; I am only ashamed of myself and my countrymen.

I ended up buying stickers and rulers for my friend, Yee, who’s teaching at a primary school. I called her while walking and when she answered, all I heard was the booming voice of this woman talking about Raffles. It went like this, “Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles arrived in Singapore in 1819 and the place where we visited just now was where he landed at that time…” I shouted “HELLO!” into the phone as I thought that another line had crossed with mine, when I heard Yee’s voice. I asked her what she wanted me to buy for her and she said anything, “Buy all and I’ll pay you back”. Turned out that she was on the bus with her primary three students on an excursion for Social Studies and the booming voice of the woman belonged to the guide.

We spent the entire morning there and only went back to the hotel around 2pm. On our way back, we went to buy some food from Big C’s foodcourt. That evening, we went to Pat Pong, the area where there are lots of pubs and a night market like Ladies’ Street in Hong Kong. Now, I was happily walking along and taking pictures of the hustle and bustle around me when I was reminded of someone from school. ARGH! It seems that I cannot escape from him even when I’m overseas! This is really 阴魂不散! Hahaha!

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 10:17 PM ~ ~ ~
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Thursday, April 28, 2005

Bangkok, Day 2.

One thing good about the hotel is that breakfast is provided. Though it is not like those big buffet spreads that I’ve had occasionally, it is good enough. So long as scrambled eggs, ham, toast and lots of butter are available, I am easily satisfied, in the morning that is.

It was pouring when we woke up and after breakfast, the guide (a new one this time), Alex, came to pick us up in his beige Toyota Corolla, as the tour bus was too big to squeeze into the little lane outside the hotel. The bus took us to the city pier to board the river cruise and we sailed down Chao Phraya River, taking in the sights along the way. I saw the Grand Palace and was told that visitors had to be decently dressed to enter, that is, males must wear long pants and females must not wear clothes that are too revealing. In short, no slippers and spaghetti-strapped tops, tube tops etc…

The cruise stopped quite some way up the river and we schools of catfish swimming alongside our boat. Alex said that it is part of their custom to do a good deed (by feeding the fish) before entering a temple to pray. So some of the people bought loaves of bread at 20 baht and threw them to the fish. One of his helpers also put flower garlands of purple Orchids, Jasmine and 爱花 called Dong Lat over our necks and each of us gave 20 baht towards it. Alex told us that these garlands are a symbol of welcome that are usually presented to tourists.

Hmm… If it’s a symbol of welcome, er…. why do we still have to pay? Even when you go to Hawaii, the people just present you with the leis at the airport and you don’t even have to pay at all! Ah well, different place different interpretations. We went to the Temple of Dawn after feeding the fish but I couldn’t enter! Why? Because I was indisposed. In layman’s terms, I was having my period! DUH! So my mom said that we would not be entering at all. She waited outside the temple with me and I entertained myself by taking many photos of the area and the building, and I went wandering about too. We made friends with one of the tourists (also a Singaporean) who stays in the same hotel as us. Her name is Lyn and she’s here on her own as her husband’s away on business. The three of us waited outside and took photos together. They didn’t want to enter because they have been in it before.

After the temple, we were deposited at the pier again. But my mom and I did not join the rest of the tourists because they were going to some boring leather factory. So we told Alex and took off in a taxi for MBK centre. Now, MBK reminds me of Far East Plaza and Holland Village all rolled into one. There were many things to buy but the prices seemed to be a bit more than those along the streets. I mean, I bought some skirts for 99 baht along the streets and they were selling them at 199 baht. We bought a few pairs of heels for 199 baht each and mom bought me a pair of blue running shoes for school. Then we went to the MBK food centre for some eats. I had Pad Thai and Shark’s fins, but the latter seemed to be somewhat sparse although it tasted quite nice.

If you are looking for branded stuff like DKNY and Louis Vuitton, Siam Discovery Centre diagonally across MBK and Gaysorn Plaza beside Holiday Inn would be a good bet.

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 11:07 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Singapore – Bangkok, Day 1.

We flew Jetstar Asia’s 3K 511 to Bangkok. It was a 9.20am flight and we reached Bangkok about 10.45am local time. The tour guide, Cindy, and her driver came to fetch us in a minivan. She asked us whether we would be interested in the “Tiger Show” that night and my mom told her “no”.

Friends who have gone for these shows told me that there is nothing really that interesting actually and I’m not missing anything by not going. They said that the shows are better if you go to Europe. Apparently, the props and performers are better. Since I’m travelling with my mother, it’s best to stick with her “See No Evil” attitude!

After being deposited at the hotel, we went to the nearby shopping mall, Big C Supercentre for lunch and basically, to shop. Nothing much actually, quite like Singapore, except that the things are really VERY CHEAP! I had pasta for lunch and it cost about 55 baht. Converted to S$, it is less than S$2.50 per plate. It even tasted better than some of those that I’ve eaten in Singapore! We had to buy the mulberry tea leaves for my dad. He only let us go to Bangkok on condition that we buy for him his tea leaves. We bought so many packets for him that it’s enough to drown him in!

I saw all the familiar names in the area. They have Auntie Anne’s, Dairy Queen, Baskin Robbins and even Giordano at the Supercentre. Across the road is Central World Plaza and it houses the likes of Isetan and Mrs Fields on the ground floor and a library and an Information Communication Technology centre on the 6th floor. There’s an anime shop selling comics and other anime stuff, but it’s all in Thai so I didn’t buy anything at all.

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 11:58 PM ~ ~ ~
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Mr Mean.

I met Mnemosyne in town this evening as she is currently on her student industrial attachment programme. She’s working in this weird firm across Somerset MRT station and apparently, her boss is one big old MEANIE! It seems that everybody in the firm dislikes the boss and out of all the staff there (apart from those who are on attachment), most of them are serving their notices and there are only two who are somewhat permanent. She said that he shouts at people for not doing their work correctly and when he reprimands his staff, he doesn’t even bother to close the door, so the entire office could hear the poor lamb being slaughtered. What an inconsiderate man!

Now, most companies only require their employees to tender a one-month notice before they resign, but this particular firm stipulates that three-months’ notice be served before its staff could leave the firm. Sounds pretty unreasonable for such a small company. Mnemosyne said that for the first week, she didn’t have much to do, except flip through old files and read. For what, she wasn’t told. So she spent her time checking how much dust had collected on the files! It wasn’t so bad for her actually, as she got to follow a couple of the senior staff to other companies to see how certain things are done.

Of all the mean things that he did, this one really takes the cake. He told Mnemosyne that she could not go to the toilet with another of her colleague without giving her the reason why!

Now, going to the toilet is one’s right and it is up to the individual whether to go alone or with someone. It is not as if that they were going there for some hanky-panky stuff. It’s natural to want to go to the toilet with another person. This is cultivated in us since primary school days. The rationale being that if something happened to one person, the other person could go and call for help. So I told her that if I were in her shoes, I would tell him this, with as innocent expression as possible:

“But Mr Meanie, I’m having my period and I need someone to help me see whether there are any stains on my skirt. It would be embarrassing to walk about with this big red splotch on my behind, wouldn’t it?”

I wonder how he would have reacted. Very likely he would be embarrassed and not pursue the matter any further. Hahaha!

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 11:53 PM ~ ~ ~
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Monday, April 25, 2005

End of exams!

FINALLY, the exams are over! Now I can get a well-deserved rest after slogging my soul out for the past 4 months.

I’m flying to Bangkok with my mother on Wednesday and I just can’t wait for that day to arrive. This will be my first visit to Bangkok despite having been through its airport a number of times. Those were when I was on transit to other countries and didn’t really count as visiting Thailand.

Hmm… I wonder what stuff I can buy there. I don’t have to change my money into Thai Baht as mom has already done so for me. She changed S$100 out of my monthly allowance for me and told me to keep the money in my purse. I don’t think that I’ll be brining any Singapore currency over as I’m travelling with her. All I need to bring will be the necessary cards and the foreign currency.

One good thing about travelling with my mom is that I do not have to worry about money! Heehee!

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 9:47 PM ~ ~ ~
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Bored stiff.

I am so BORED! Yes, bored with all the stuff that I have to study and have yet to complete my revision. Sigh…

Some people are just so lucky. They finish their exams tomorrow! And they can get to go shopping and roam the town. I can’t wait for my exams to be over, but at the same time, I don’t want them to be over.

Poor, poor me…

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 1:58 PM ~ ~ ~
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Dr L, goodbye, for now.

I went back to campus with An to get something and saw Dr L. He was packing his things in his office and I asked him why he was doing that during revision week. He said that he will be leaving after this semester.

An asked: “You going back to Penang?”

Dr L: “No… I’m leaving for good.”

I: “Why!?”

Dr L: “…”

An: “He got personal reasons mah.”

I: “Where will you be teaching after this?”

Dr L: “I’ll be teaching regionally.”

I felt saddened that Dr L is going to leave. I mean, he’s a really good lecturer and I’m sorry to see him go. Of the many lecturers who have taught me, he and his wife, Dr L (no, hers is a different surname), made the stuff seemed so easy for us to master and I enjoyed all the courses under them.

He was the one who introduced me to the field of Pragmatics and got me hooked on it. It’s such an interesting area of study that I always looked forward to going for Pragmatics classes every week. It’s such a pity that the University does not offer Pragmatics at the fourth level. I especially like the topics on the many different Maxims and that of Politeness. They threw light on everything that I do daily and helped me to understand people and my interactions with them. Did you know that after a few classes of Pragmatics, I started to observe people more closely when they are interacting? Even when conversing with someone, I invariably dissect and analyse parts of the conversation that appeal to me!

The three of us were chatting about school and Dr L said something to the effect of, “Life is not so simple as that”, not once but twice. I wonder, I really do. We told him that we will be graduating this semester and he said, “Ah, so you have nothing to lose right?” And we laughed!

I will miss him and his jokes, however lame and dry they were. What I will miss most is setting up the computer and projector for him before his lectures every week! Hahaha! There was an incident last semester when I was slightly late for Pragmatics lecture and poor Dr L was trying to turn on the computer system in the lecture theatre and all my coursemates were sitting there and waiting. Sheesh! Talk about wanting to cultivate a gracious society! Those people have no initiative, man! So I ran in, quickly apologised for being late and set up the system for Dr L. I remembered An saying, “Aiyah, if we know he hasn’t started, we wouldn’t have rushed here!”

I remember during one of the Translation lectures this semester, Dr L was lecturing on idioms and fixed expressions and he wrote a few phrases on the board. Then he asked the class whether we understood what each expression meant. One of them was “sending someone to Coventry”. I think that he was surprised that I knew what it meant. Nobody else in class knew what it meant. Sigh… Look, if you went to a Convent school like I did, you’d probably be able to decipher the meaning too. Actually, out of the three that he wrote, I only didn’t understand the meaning of one!

He was also the lecturer who made me revisit Oscar Wilde after so many years, when he used the play, “A Woman of No Importance” during one of his lectures and proceeded to talk about Lady Caroline and the indirect speech acts that she makes in the first act and scene. How I miss Wilde’s wit and sarcasm! I think that they are the antidotes for me in my depressed state of mind during such times of bewilderment, anguish and stress.

Dear Dr L, thank you for teaching me. Without your relentless efforts to explain the various concepts of Pragmatics to me and the struggles at making me understand through the examples that you gave, I do not think that I would have grown to love the subject so much. Yes, I admit that Life may not be as simple as one would like it to be, nevertheless, I am grateful that God made you my teacher, even if it’s only for a short span of two years.

Dr L, if you ever feel disillusioned during the rest of your teaching career, please, please be heartened to know that you have managed to ignite an interest and a love for Pragmatics in some students, and I am one of them. I may not be the best or smartest student, but at least I am willing to learn, even if the path to knowledge is an arduous one.

May the Good Lord bless you in your future endeavours! :0)

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 11:30 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Monday, April 11, 2005

Revision week…

It’s the start of the revision and exam week now and I’m kind of slowly trying to get into the mood to revise and basically study. You know, the mood is NOT THERE! And I wonder how to get it back from wherever it has wandered to. Sometimes it’s very difficult to force myself to study, I mean, there’s no point when force is used. Because it’s not very effective, for me, anyway.

I was surfing the web just now and I came across something belonging to a particular idiot from school. He’s busy enjoying life while I’m stuck trying to revise for my exams! UNFAIR! Ah well, I bet that he will have to squeeze in some time to do so later on. HA!

Hmm… I think that I will do my web stuff after my exams. When will the end of April arrive? Soon, very soon. WHY!?

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 9:51 PM ~ ~ ~
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Sunday, April 10, 2005

Tomb-sweeping part 2.

My family and I went to the Lim Chu Kang cemetery again this morning. Boy, was it crowded! We exited at Jalan Bahar and saw that the road to the cemetery was jam-packed! The line started at the Dragon Kiln signboard and we were caught in the jam for about half an hour or so, and I amused myself by taking pictures of the scenery. By the time we finished paying our respects to my paternal great-grandmother, grandfather, grandmother and second auntie, it was already 12.30 in the afternoon. The sun shone so bright and hot that I got sun burnt! Argh!

Passing the Civil Defence Academy.

We went to Block 721 Clementi West Street 2 for lunch after leaving the cemetery. I ate this thing called 三捞河粉 and it’s delicious! My dad will always buy it from there when he’s in the area. Sometimes he would drive all the way there just to buy it for me to eat. Heehee!

Blk 721 Clementi West Street 2.

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 9:34 PM ~ ~ ~
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Saturday, April 09, 2005

Rest day!

My mom asked me to go shopping with her and my maternal granny this morning, but I told her that I didn’t feel up to it. I’ve been so busy the past few weeks that I just want to stay at home and snuggle up in my bed. I think that my granny’s kind of disappointed that I didn’t go, so I told her that I will bring her out after my exams. Anyway, she understands why I didn’t join them today.

It was swell just to be able to chill out at home! I wish that I would be able to have more of such time to myself in the days to come. :0)

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 9:56 PM ~ ~ ~
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Friday, April 08, 2005


I spent the day cleaning up my room! I know, it may not be the most glamorous thing to do, but I really needed to do it as I’ve been putting it off for such a long time. So I put my heart and soul into ironing my clothes, sorting out my stuff and basically just doing the room. Oh, and I had to strategise on what clothes to store in my parents’ wardrobe! Why must I do it? Well, it’s because I do not have the space to store my clothes anymore!

Hmm… I really must reorganise my wardrobe after the exams. I think that I will do it after I return from my trip with my mother, some time in May.

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 10:55 PM ~ ~ ~
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Thursday, April 07, 2005


I am so SAD! My Blackie died of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) this afternoon!

Sigh… He was with me for less than 2 years and has always been very obedient. My mom got him for me on 14th July 2004 and I’ve loved him since the first time I saw him. Now the house feels so empty without his songs. He would wake me up every morning together with Silvy and SonnyE, and would always be able to cheer me up when I am unhappy.

I love the way he always tried to wake me in the morning. He would nudge me a bit and then wait for my response. When I don’t wake up, he would nudge me again and again until I wake up and stroke him. I asked his doctor and was told that there is no explanation for SIDS, and that it’s definitely NOT due to improper care for the infant.

My poor, poor Blackie! Why must you die? Now I have to live without you…

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 11:20 PM ~ ~ ~
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Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Grocery shopping.

I went shopping at Carrefour with my mom this afternoon. She was so bored at home that she called me to meet her at Plaza Singapura. I was in town looking for my stuff at that time. I haven’t been shopping for with her for quite some time and I am glad for the chance to do so today.

We had so much fun zipping through the aisles and picking up stuff! I really relish the moment when we tasted all the freebies there. Heehee! Yummy! How I wish that I could have more time to do such stuff with her. I was pushing the trolley with my left hand and using my right hand to take pictures of us with my K700i.

On our way to take the train, I saw this girl with a very pretty blue top and I told my mom. She turned out to be the TCS actress, Michelle Chia. Then I realised that the whole group surrounding her and the guy, Ix Shen, was the camera crew! Sheesh!

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 9:01 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


I felt so depressed when I saw my results! I didn’t get what I had hoped to get for my assignment and test. Most other people would have been happy with my type of grades, BUT I AM NOT! I had expected to get the type of grades that I got for my Pragmatics and Literature assignments last semester, but what I received was disgusting! Okay, it wasn’t that bad actually. It was only one grade down. But why settle for something less when I know that I can get a higher grade?

I don’t blame anyone but myself. I mean, whatever grades I get are dependent on my work right? So if I hand in sub-standard work, I deserve to get such pathetic grades. Sigh… Yes, blame me only. God, I feel like killing myself! Even jumping off a building would be fine for me. Either the problem lies with me or it’s with Dr D aka 大头钉. I don’t know why, but I seem to be scoring the same type of grade for assignments in his classes. At least my exam result for his module last semester was quite okay. It was an unexpected surprise actually, as I didn’t do so well for his assignment.

An said that my expectations have increased. Is that so? I certainly disagree! My expectations have always been the same. I know that I demand a lot of myself, but this is just the way I am. Perhaps I didn’t present this side of myself to her the previous semester. Ah well, what can I say? It IS the last semester and the pressure to do well is there. I cannot deny its existence at all! But my doctor told me that to do well, I must learn how to relax. He said that I’m already suffering from assignments-burnout. So I need to empty my mind of lots of stuff, relax and then go study. Easier said than done. But I will try to heed his advice anyway.

We went to the library to zap our assignments so that we could study for the exam in 3 weeks’ time. Then we went to the lecturers’ offices to return our essays into Dr D’s mailbox. I was trying to insert them into the mailbox when An said that she saw Mr C entering one of the lecturers’ rooms. But I didn’t notice, as I was intent on putting them into the mailbox nicely so that they would not be crumpled. We were heading towards the exit when An’s handphone rang and we stopped at by the little armchairs and the table for her to answer it, while I took a swipe of water from my bottle. Who should come towards us but our Social Studies tutor, Ms T! We were so glad to see her and greeted her happily.

Then, the sound of a door closing came from behind us. We turned around and saw Mr C coming out of the room. He was wearing this long-sleeved white top with black grid lines and a silver tie. Hmm… he looks kind of nice today. This guy is really a clotheshorse. He can carry off the whole office wear and tie very well. Methinks that he’ll look better in light blue and pastel colours. He’s probably a Summer or Spring, so he should steer clear of dark colours. Why does it sound like a certain someone that I know?! ARGH! When we turned to look at Ms T, she seemed to be signalling us to greet him, so I said “Hi Mr C.” in this really dead voice.

Mr C: “Hi…”

I: “Can I take a photo of you? I found this frame feature in my handphone…”

Mr C: “Don’t want! I’m going to the toilet.”

I: “Never mind lor. I go and take Ms T.”

Shucks! There goes my chance of “monkeytising” him! Sigh… Then An left to go for her meeting with her Psychology classmates while I entered Ms T’s room. She told me not to antagonise him today, as he’s “sakit-sakit” – sick, whatever that means. I was like, he’s always like that and not only today. I complained to her about my predicament.

Ms T: “But it’s quite good that you’ve got that grade what. Why you still so sad?”

I: “I know. But when I’ve been getting a certain grade for my assignments, getting this type of grade this time is really very bad.”

Ms T: “Never mind lor. Now you concentrate on your exams that are coming soon right?”

I: “Yah. I feel like killing myself ah! Jumping would be nice.”

Ms T: “Ay! Don’t be silly! Do you know how it feels like when you hit the ground? It’s like when you take a bagful of water and then release it from a high place. Pom!”

I: “Yah, I know. But isn’t it like a kind of release?”

She looked at me as though she would like to strangle me! Hahaha!

Ms T: “Go home and rest lah. 不要想太多啦! You’re a very bubbly person, don’t let this affect you.”

I: “Okay lah. I’d probably be blogging when I reach home later.”

Ms T: “What’s that?”

I: “It’s my online diary. I’ll let you and my other tutors see after I graduate. Now cannot see!”

Ms T: “Why? What did you write about us? Must be something bad right?”

I: “No lah. Where got? But now can’t let Dr A see, because I called him the bluetooth ignorant guy!”

Ms T: “Why?”

I: “Because he doesn’t know how to use bluetooth mah!”

Ms T: “Me also what.”

I: “You different lah.”

Ms T: “You must teach me how to start a blog okay?”

I: “Okay. Now?

Ms T: “Not free lah.”

I: “Okay, after exams lah.”

Somewhere in the middle of all this, Mr C came in and asked Ms T about whether she was going to pay her road tax because he’s going to Jurong East to do so. I turned to look at him when he entered and then returned to staring at the window behind Ms T after that. They chatted a while before he left. Then Ms T had to go for lunch and so I too left.

I felt so depressed over my grades that I was in no mood to take the train, so I hailed a cab instead. I spent the first half of my trip wallowing in self-pity before I got myself together and started taking pictures of my surroundings! Heeheehee! When I reached my area, I saw the cats loitering about and took snapshots of them. They don’t belong to anyone actually. I found them adorable so I named them. Tummy even came and rubbed herself against my legs. She’s so cute!

I’m kind of happier now and have begun to accept the grades that I got back today. Ah well, what to do? Life’s like this. There will always be ups and downs. Sometimes I just need to take it with a pinch of salt! :0)

Oh by the way, I saw Kyl this morning as I was walking towards Block 3. He was in his car but I didn’t say “hi” to him as I was rushing to Dr D’s class. I was waiting for the lift at Block 3’s basement when I caught sight of SOMEBODY! I was laughing at his clothes so loudly when the lift door opened and Dr A came out of it! He seemed startled to find a laughing hyena and I was like, “Hi Dr A!” He went, “Hello!” before he left the building. He was wearing this white long-sleeved shirt and either black or grey pants and was carrying a bag that seemed to contain a laptop. Another busy person.

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Along the expressway.



Feel so peaceful looking at the clouds.

Doesn't it look like a fist?

I like the clouds in the background.

Looking up at the passing trees in the cab.

Tummy acting cool.

Tummy’s sideway pose.

Chubby Tummy! No, she's not pregnant.

Timmy posing for the camera!

Timmy cleaning himself.

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 3:46 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Monday, April 04, 2005

Video-making time.

I spent my entire day transferring the videos that I’ve made on the animals and that of my trip to the cemetery into VCDs so that I can re-use the tapes again. I also tried to put in some effects so that it would not be so boring to watch.

I have to go to school tomorrow to view my assignment and test results. Sigh… I wonder what type of marks I would get for them! They had better not be the atrocious type of marks!

Dear God, please let me pass everything well!

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 10:43 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Sunday, April 03, 2005

John Paul II…

Ever since my first year in primary one, I’ve always heard of John Paul II our Pope. Though I didn’t know who he was nor how he looked like then, I knew that he was someone associated with masses and the Catholic religion. This was because every time during mass in school, there would always be this prayer which the Father would recite and the Pope’s name would be mentioned.

I was saddened by the news that out Pope has passed away. He died on 2nd April 2005 at 21:37, Vatican City time. In Singapore, it would be around 3am today. You know, when news broke that he was seriously ill, I read of news teams from all over the world staking out his apartment just so that they would be the first to broadcast the news that he had passed away. They are like the vultures waiting for their prey! It is really horrible!

The Pope’s body is now lying at the Apostolic Palace. He really looks peaceful in his sleep. Born Karol Jozelf Wojtyla (pronounced Voy-Tih-Wah) in Poland in 1920, he was the first non-Italian Pontiff and he had been leading the Catholic Church from 1978 to 2005. He also made full use of the modern technology available to address the congregation and also to travel to 129 countries and territories.

God Bless our Pope.

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 9:32 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Cookie, Hushy and Hamsie…

I spent the day at Lil and Lun’s house with her elder sister and her husband. They had brought their Cocker Spaniel, Hushy along with them. Ying came later in the afternoon, after her tomb-sweeping outing with her family. I spent my day playing with her Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Cookie and her dwarf hamster, Hamsie.

Lil’s sister commented that I really know how to entertain myself – just leave me with a handycam with a built-in camera and handphones with video and photo functions and I can happily play by myself. Yup! I was filming and photographing everybody doing their stuff. But I dedicated most of my time to the animals. I love to play with them! :0)

Cookie and his birthday present.

Hushy and his melancholic look.

Hamsie in her cage.

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 11:58 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?

Friday, April 01, 2005

Chat fest!

Whew! I’ve finally finished my assignments for the week and boy, am I glad that they are all over. I only have 1 more assignment left and that’s a group effort. So, it would probably be completed quite fast. It’s quite a short assignment, minus the essay and justification part.

I went to do my hair today and it was really relaxing! I was told that my hair is quite dry, so the girl put some sort of cream on my head and I ended up smelling like Lavender for the whole evening. Not a bad smell actually. I kind of like it. I find Lavender quite soothing at times.

I met up with Ying, Lil and her husband, Lun, for dinner at Wheelock’s Sakae Sushi at about 5.30pm. I really enjoyed the dinner! It’s been a damn LLLLLOOOOONNNNGGGG time since I let down my hair and just have fun. Lil has a new Nokia handphone, I think it’s the 7 series one. No, it’s not 7610. We were taking photos of each other and making a lot of noise! After that we proceeded to Scotts’ Coffee Bean for to continue our little chat.

Tell you something hilarious! Ying complained about Lil’s habit of spelling things when she was at NUS and recounted this incident at the canteen. They were queuing at the dessert stall and after ordering their stuff, Ying wanted to take a spoon for her food. So she said VERY LOUDLY, “I know how to spell spoon you know. It’s S-O-P-P-N! Spoon! S-O-P-P-N! Spoon! See, I can spell spoon leh.” HAHAHA! All 3 of us laughed till our sides ached!

~ ~ ~ Skye's telling at 11:46 PM ~ ~ ~
Hey! Are you in on the secret yet?


Name: Cloudiy Skye / Cloudiyskye
School: Castle in the Clouds
Birthdate: 2nd October
Sign: Libra

A dreamy girl who perpetually has her head in the clouds.

Like the nymph who lives only for Apollo's daily traverse on his chariot, Skye is currently enamoured of this God-like persona on Earth.


What DOES Skye like anyway?

Skye's favourite flower is the Tulip. She feels that it is the epitome of beauty, despite the latter being hard to measure.

The sound of raindrops falling, the smell of the air after a rainfall and the rainbow after the storm are things that capture Skye's attention.

One thing she likes best is looking at the falling rain, especially during thunderstorms.

Know that...

Skye is an English Language and Literature student.

Her preferred subject in school is that of Pragmatics, because it's a FUN field!

She wants to be left alone to do her stuff, but is always interrupted by all and sundry.

Skye uses 3 mobile phones currently: Samsung Ice Cream, Apple iPhone 4 and Blackberry Bold.


November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
November 2009
October 2010
November 2010


What is Love, actually?

Do you know? Could you tell me?

The writer, McCullers, once said that "the most outlandish people can be the stimulus for love".

For my part, I think that this is certainly true. Yet, to like a person who has no idea that you like him is pure agony!


Winter Magick


Original Layout * Shadowmist
Amended Layout * Mnemosyne
Effects * Cloudiy Skye
Images * Cloudiy Skye

Edna, from "The Incredibles".

In Gratitude...

Thanks be to God. For allowing me to pass everything well and to graduate on time.

Lord, I am grateful to you for having heard my prayers and helping me to obtain my Honours. I give thanks to our Lord.

Lord, in a world where failure is unforgivable, you have shown me that there is a future after that one failed attempt. I give thanks to our Lord.

Lord, you gave me strength to carry on when I was lingering in the shadows of uncertainty. I give thanks to our Lord.

Lord, at the time when others scorned and deserted me, you stood by my side and never once did you doubt me. I give thanks to our Lord.

Lord, for all that you have done for me and for all the prayers of mine that thou art wilt hear, I give thanks to you our Lord.
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